HomeNews HighlightsSpotlightsBattered by Hurricane Idalia last year, Florida village ponders future as hurricane season begins
Battered by Hurricane Idalia last year, Florida village ponders future as hurricane season begins
Lisa Bregenzer poses for a picture on the canal-side lot where her home stood until the passage of last year's Hurricane Idalia, Thursday, May 9, 2024, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla. In July, nearly a year after the storm that upended her and her husband's lives, Bregenzer has finally found hope. Her family was approved for a program that will help them build a new home, and if all goes as planned, they'll move into a stilted two-bedroom house on their lot by year's end. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
HORSESHOE BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Lisa Bregenzer’s waterfront home was her “little slice of heaven.” She watched sunsets and migrating birds from the porch, the Gulf of Mexico in the distance. There, she felt close to God and her late father.
Tina Brotherton, who owned and lost to storms multiple businesses over decades in Horseshoe Beach, Fla., walks into the home she now shares with her son several miles inland from Horseshoe Beach, Fla., Friday, May 10, 2024. In 1993, the so-called Storm of the Century destroyed her marina and waterfront restaurant. Last summer, Hurricane Idalia demolished what remained, Tina’s Dockside Inn and her home. Brotherton, 88, says she is tired and is not going to rebuild this time. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
Tina Brotherton, who owned and lost to storms multiple businesses over decades in Horseshoe Beach, Fla., poses for a picture next to her cat Roscoe the home she now shares with her son several miles inland from Horseshoe Beach, Fla., Friday, May 10, 2024. While many residents of Horseshoe are determined to rebuild or remain in RVs on their land, some like Brotherton no longer think the risk is worth it, and say that storms have already dramatically reshaped the town’s physical landscape and demographics. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
Tina Brotherton, who owned multiple businesses over decades in Horseshoe Beach, Fla., feeds the more than a dozen cats which have become her passion since last summer’s Hurricane Idalia destroyed both her seaside home and her final business, Tina’s Dockside Inn, at the home she now shares with her son several miles inland from Horseshoe Beach, Fla., Friday, May 10, 2024. “Once I got all my cats out, I don’t care to go back,” said Brotherton. “There’s nothing there for me anymore.” (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
FILE – Tina Brotherton, 88, looks over the remains of her business, Tina’s Dockside Inn, which was completely destroyed in Hurricane Idalia, as was Brotherton’s nearby home, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla., Friday, Sept. 1, 2023, two days after the storm’s passage. This was the second time Brotherton had lost businesses to a hurricane. An unnamed Storm of the Century in 1993 wiped out Brotherton’s marina and waterfront cafe, and she had to replace the floors and beds at her inn. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell, File)
Jewell Baggett, left, gets a hug from a friend stopping by in a golf cart, as she spends time on the lot where her mother’s modest home stood until being destroyed in last year’s Hurricane Idalia, Wednesday, May 8, 2024, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla. Baggett comes to the property, in her family since 1973, near daily to feed her mother’s cats and fish off the coast. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
Jewell Baggett organizes items next to a wooden cross she erected on the lot where her mother’s modest home stood until being destroyed in last year’s Hurricane Idalia, Wednesday, May 8, 2024, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla. Unable at this point to rebuild, her mother is living further inland. Baggett comes to the lot, acquired by her grandfather in 1973, near daily to feed her mother’s cats and fish off the coast. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
FILE – Jewell Baggett stands beside a Christmas decoration she recovered from the wreckage of her mother’s home, as she searches for anything salvageable from the trailer home her grandfather had acquired in 1973 and built multiple additions on to over the decades, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla., after the passage of Hurricane Idalia, Aug. 30, 2023. Many residents are still reeling from last summer’s Category 3 storm that pummeled homes, businesses and other infrastructure, leaving debris and rubble in its wake. Recovery for some has been long and slow. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell, File)
A tattered American flag flies from the remains of a waterfront home that was swept away by last year’s Hurricane Idalia, Wednesday, May 8, 2024, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
A fisherman on his way out to sea purchases a pail of live shrimp for bait at Florida Cracker Shrimp & Bait Co., owned by longtime town residents Timmy and Renee Futch, Saturday, May 11, 2024, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla. The Futch family had to replumb and repaint their shrimp tank facility after Hurricane Idalia, but their buildings survived the storm and they saved their two boats by driving them out of the storm’s path. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
Fishing guide and town councilmember Brett Selph prepares his boat to take a pair of visitors out for a day of fishing, Saturday, May 11, 2024, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla. While Horseshoe residents say they know storms and flooding will continue, it’s hard to think about that when trying to survive the present. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
Darlene Barrs relaxes on the porch outside a pair of trailers where she and her husband now reside during the week, returning to their Lake City home only on weekends, Friday, May 10, 2024, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla. Their children and grandchildren come to visit regularly, going fishing and scalloping. In last year’s Hurricane Idalia, the Barrs lost a screened-in porch they had built along the canal and several of their immediate neighbors lost houses. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
Horseshoe Beach, Fla., is visible on Saturday, May 11, 2024. Located 70 miles (113 kilometers) west of Gainesville, Horseshoe is a quiet fishing town in Dixie County. There is one church, one firehouse and one restaurant. There is no gas station or grocery store, and only one road goes in and out. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
A pole barn sheltering campers that can be towed away in the event of a storm sits on a lot across the street from a home built atop high stilts to permit flood water or storm surge to pass underneath, Saturday, May 11, 2024, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla. In Horseshoe, those who lost homes to Idalia have few options. They can either rebuild on pricey stilts, up to 19 feet (5.8 meters) above sea level as required for buildings closest to water, or live in RVs they can move from a hurricane’s path. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
Lisa, left, and Pete Bregenzer, who lost their home in Horseshoe Beach, Fla., during the passage of last year’s Hurricane Idalia, pose for a picture, Friday, May 10, 2024, outside the temporary state-issued trailer where they currently live, parked on a friend’s property several miles outside of town. Medical bills and income loss from major health issues had sapped their life’s savings before the storm hit, and they needed financial help to rebuild. “It’s humbling,” said Lisa. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
Lisa Bregenzer poses for a picture on the canal-side lot where her home stood until the passage of last year’s Hurricane Idalia, Thursday, May 9, 2024, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla. In July, nearly a year after the storm that upended her and her husband’s lives, Bregenzer has finally found hope. Her family was approved for a program that will help them build a new home, and if all goes as planned, they’ll move into a stilted two-bedroom house on their lot by year’s end. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
Lisa Bregenzer carries clean laundry back to her temporary state-issued trailer after washing it inside the home of a friend, who helped the Bregenzers qualify for the trailer months after their home was destroyed in Hurricane Idalia by giving them a place to park it, Friday, May 10, 2024. “I’m spent. I’m tired. I’m weak. And I’m weary,” Bregenzer said in May. “Everyday I am reminded of the storm.” In July, nearly 11 months after the storm, the couple finally has hope after being approved for a program that will help them rebuild a stilted home on Lisa’s treasured family property. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
Lisa Bregenzer’s decorative wooden monkey, which Hurricane Idalia knocked down from a higher perch, remains wedged since the storm between tree trunks, long after the storm destroyed Bregenzer’s family home, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla., Thursday, May 9, 2024. By July of 2024, much of the damage from the Category 3 storm has been cleaned up, but little rebuilding has taken place. Many homeowners, like Bregenzer, have spent most of a year in limbo, waiting to hear back on assistance programs and unable to afford rebuilding on their own. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
A sunset sky reflects off of water surrounding a sandbar just off the coast of Horseshoe Beach, Fla., Wednesday, May 8, 2024. Residents of the sleepy fishing village say big storms not only reshape the town, but shift the underwater landscape they navigate with their fishing boats. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
A group of full-time residents of Horseshoe Beach, Fla., many of whom moved here as retirees in the past decade, gather for a weekly bonfire at a canal front home, Friday, May 10, 2024. Horseshoe residents say they are proud of their strong community bonds and sunsets that paint the sky brilliant hues. Homes worth in the high hundreds of thousands of dollars are interspersed with those valued as low as $50,000. Historically, Horseshoe was a place where a blue collar worker could live by the sea. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
The feet of Brian Hepworth are marked with a sandal tan as he relaxes outside a trailer where family members live part time, Friday, May 10, 2024, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla. In the sleepy seaside town of Horseshoe, residents zip around in golf carts and move with the days’ rhythms, lounging when it’s hottest, fishing when the tide is right, and watching sunsets, beers in hand. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
Lisa Bregenzer picks some tomatoes that have sprouted on the lot where her home stood until the passage of last year’s Hurricane Idalia, Thursday, May 9, 2024, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla. Asked why she doesn’t plant them near the FEMA camper where she and her husband are now living, she responded, smiling: “The camper’s not home.” (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
Eileen Lilley, 75, sips coffee at the table of a camper she purchased after last year’s Hurricane Idalia inundated her home, leading to it being torn down, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla., Thursday, May 9, 2024. Lilley spoke of her late husband and the home they had been so excited to buy when then moved permanently to Horseshoe after vacationing there. Despite the longing, she feels safe knowing her mobile home can be moved when another hurricane strikes. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
Eileen Lilley, 75, waters plants outside the camper she bought after last year’s Hurricane Idalia inundated her home, leading to it being torn down, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla., Thursday, May 9, 2024. While Lilley misses the home she purchased with her late husband, she now feels safer living in a camper on the property, in case another big storm hits. “It’s better for me at my age to get somebody who can pull me out of here and move me to another area,” she said. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
Eileen Lilley, 75, sits on a swing she recovered from the porch of her home, which was torn down following water damage from last year’s Hurricane Idalia, Thursday, May 9, 2024, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla. Lilley, who now lives in a camper on her property, misses the screened-in back porch where she liked to paint. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)
FILE – Debris from homes swept off their lots chokes a canal amid stilted homes which remain standing, in Horseshoe Beach, Fla., Aug. 31, 2023, one day after the passage of Hurricane Idalia. Homes on high stilts withstood severe damage, while dozens of homes with little elevation were destroyed. Nearly a year later, in July 2024, residents are still reeling from last summer’s Category 3 storm. Many weren’t insured, and those who did have flood insurance were not covered for repairs from wind-driven water. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell, File)
When Hurricane Idalia tore through Florida in late August, Bregenzer lost everything in the northwest fishing village of Horseshoe Beach. For months, she and her husband slept where they could with friends, neighbors and family: in Tennessee, Georgia, West Virginia, eastern Florida.
For nearly 11 months, Bregenzer felt she was no better off than after the storm.
“I’m spent. I’m tired. I’m weak. And I’m weary,” Bregenzer said in May inside a temporary, state-issued camper she lives in several miles away. “Everyday I am reminded of the storm.”
Almost a year later, many people in Horseshoe are asking themselves: Do I sell and move? Should I buy a recreational vehicle to live in on my property? Do I have the means to rebuild on stilts, as code requires? As they ask these questions, U.S. officials predict this year’s hurricane season in Florida will be busier than usual.
Coastal climate impacts
In the U.S., more than 128 million people – nearly 40% of the nation’s population – live in coastal counties along the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans, as well as the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. These seaside communities produce $10 trillion in goods and services annually, employ 54.6 million people, and pay $4 trillion in wages, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
To live along the coast in a time of climate change is to contend with increasing vulnerabilities. Seas are rising and warming up, eroding coastlines, intensifying storms and making floods a more frequent occurrence.
In Horseshoe, those who lost homes to Idalia have few options. They can either rebuild on pricey stilts — up to 19 feet (5.8 meters) above sea level as required for buildings closest to water — or live in RVs they can move from a hurricane’s path.
Located 70 miles (113 kilometers) west of Gainesville, Horseshoe is a quiet town in Dixie County. Residents zip around in golf carts and move with the days’ rhythms — lounging when it’s hottest, fishing when the tide is right, watching sunsets, beers in hand. Less than 200 full-time residents, both recent retirees and long-timers, as well as weekenders and seasonal tourists, are spread over an area about three-quarters of a mile long and wide. There is one church, one firehouse and one restaurant. There is no gas station or grocery store, and only one road goes in and out.
Horseshoe residents say they are proud of strong community bonds and sunsets that paint the sky brilliant hues. Homes approaching $1 million are interspersed with some as low as $50,000. Historically, it’s a place where a blue collar worker could live by the sea.
Many residents are still reeling from last summer’s Category 3 storm that pummeled homes, businesses and other infrastructure, leaving debris and rubble in its wake. Recovery for some has been long and slow. Elevated homes withstood severe damage. Homes with little elevation were destroyed. Many weren’t insured, and those who did have flood insurance were not covered for repairs from wind-driven water. Scientists have said that Gulf waters warmed by climate change helped Idalia rapidly intensify
Today, the signs of destruction remain. A house lies flat like a pancake. Abandoned homes with shattered windows – some boarded up with wood – stand askew. Inside, washers and driers are turned on their sides. A tattered American flag flaps where a house was swept away and flags reading “Horseshoe Strong” hang from balconies, made after Idalia by a local who lost her business.
Storms reshape Horseshoe
People talk about keeping Horseshoe unchanged, but before Idalia storms had begun reshaping the town’s character and landscape.
Hurricane Hermine in 2016, and before that, the so-called Storm of the Century in 1993, caused widespread damage. People sold their properties. Some houses went up on stilts. In 1993, Tina Brotherton lost her marina and the cafe next door, and had to replace the floors and beds at her inn. Most of the damaged buildings were on the waterfront, she recalled.
Idalia dealt another blow.
Brotherton, 88, said she doesn’t plan to rebuild this time. Her business, Tina’s Dockside Inn, was completely destroyed, as was her home that she planned to put on the market days before the storm. She says she is tired and it’s expensive to rebuild.
“Once I got all my cats out, I don’t care to go back,” she said inside her home a couple of miles away, where she lives with her son and more than a dozen cats. “There’s nothing there for me anymore.”
Long road to recovery
By midcentury, more than 48,000 properties could be below the high tide lines, mostly in Louisiana, Florida and Texas, according to a 2022 study by Climate Central.
While Horseshoe residents say they know storms and flooding will continue, it’s hard to think about that when trying to survive the present.
Eileen Lilley, 75, is living in a camper after 5 feet (1.5 meters) of water damaged her home. On a recent day, she spoke of her late husband and missing the screened porch where she liked to paint. Despite the longing, she feels safe knowing her mobile home can be moved when another hurricane strikes.
“It’s better for me at my age to get somebody who can pull me out of here and move me to another area,” she said, while at her side snoozed Katy the cat and Kelly the dog laid at her feet.
Some residents are waiting to know if they qualify for state or federal loans and grants to help them rebuild. Mayor Jeff Williams said insuring new property will also be cost prohibitive for many. “In a town when you’re in a flood zone, you pay the highest rate,” he said. “And the rate of insurance over the last two to three years has just skyrocketed.”
All this added to Bregenzer’s anxiety. To rebuild they needed financial help. Her husband had a stroke and back surgery years ago, and medical bills and income loss sapped their savings. She’s grateful to have a roof over her head.
“It’s humbling,” she said.
They want to be homeowners again, she said while sitting inside her camper, tears in her eyes. To have a house to show for their lives’ work. For nearly a year, she didn’t know if that would happen or when. And she wondered: is it even worth it?
Then just last week, Bregenzer finally found hope. Her family was approved for a program that will help them build a new home. If all goes as planned, they’ll move into an stilted two-bedroom house on their lot by year’s end.
“After 11 months of what seemingly felt and appeared to be a nightmare, I just,” she said over the phone in July, her voice trailing off. “I lack words.”
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